Five Tips for Selecting the Best Cat Tree By Petar Petrov

One of the best ways to satisfy your cat?s curiosity and keep in shape is to provide her with a cat tree. Since there are many such trees offered in the market, you should spend enough time understanding a few things before purchasing one for your beloved pet. Many pets need enough amount of stimulation to prevent them from getting bored, and cat trees are definitely one among best cat furniture that will keep your cat active through the day. But before making decision which tree is best for your feline friend you should consider some things.

Safety Matters a Lot!

It should be the very first thing that you need to consider, when shopping for a cat tree. Not only should you provide safety for your cat, but also for you or anyone who comes close to that tree. Cat owner should know what their cats can do, and if there are risky areas in your home, the pets are going to explore it for sure.

The manufacturer is responsible for making a well-constructed cat trees, but the owners are equally responsible for making good judgment in terms of selection. Ensure that the design of the tree does not compromise on safety. Some of them could be made of cheap materials and could collapse under the weight of your pet. You may also want to buy a tree, which will not trip over when your cat takes a flying leap, lands on side or top of the cat tree. The lighter and smaller trees are not the best option if you have big or heavy cats at home. Check the stability of tree before making the purchase. Some of the manufacturers use toxic chemicals, glues, and dyes in the making process, and it is strictly not recommended to go for such ones.


Ensure that the kitty cat tree you intend to buy is accessible to your cat or kitty. Cats should be able to climb tree in all situations. You pets many be overweight, old, have health problems, or declawed. If you?ve bigger cats, take trees that can accommodate properly. The cats should be able to get down or up the tree very easily.


Some cat trees at local stores are made with cheap materials, so stability should always be checked. Many use cardboard as the main support, which is not that safe, especially when the cat is climbing the tree.

Don?t Overlook the Visual Appeal

The cat tree not only should appeal to your pet, but it should also be great addition to your home d?cor. If you?ve spent $2000 on a new sofa or furniture, you wouldn?t of course want to see ugly tree placed in the middle of living room. So, make it a point to choose something that complements your furniture, design, and style of the room.


It is not about buying some cheap or expensive kitty tree, but purchasing something that offers great value for money. Have some budget in your mind and buy a tree that will satisfy both you and your cat.

Keeping all these things in mind, now you can choose a secure, well-balanced, and stable cat tree, and keep your pets happy.

Why Do Cats Like To Sleep So Much By Emilija Spirkoska

One thing is for sure: cats know how to sleep. And they sleep a lot. However, so far nobody knows why they sleep so much, but you gotta admit that they are the most adorable creatures when asleep.

As they choose the weirdest place to sleep. Either on top of a dog or in a pot. You name a place and they are there :)

Well, it's a known fact that cats evolved from a long line of hunters and predators and that probably has an effect on their sleeping pattern. Their diet may also play an important role. Since they are on protein rich diet that doesn't take them a lot of time of the day, they have plenty of time to sleep.
And sometimes all they do is sleep, since they don't have things to do. Of course this applies for indoor cats. But there is always something you can find for your cat to do and stay awake and entertained.

While newborn cats, well they sleep most of the time, but believe it or not this actually keeps them safe. As they don't attract attention and by that I mean, they don't attract predators.
As for the cats in the wild, well they are constantly on alert in order to survive.

While indoor cats are sleeping, they are still active and ready to go into action. And you can see that as all cats while sleeping have their ears rotating and as soon as they hear a noise or sense that someone is coming they open their eyes to check out the situation and if safe they go back to sleep again.

And as I've already said at the beginning cats sleep basically anywhere. At the table, on a top of a piano, on the edge, anywhere.
As long as it safe and comfortable enough for it to stretch that body. :) For example when it's cold it tries to find a shaded place where it can stretch out. While during the cool winter days a cat will try to find a place warm enough, like warm sunshine or next to a heat source.

Another interesting fact is that cats like to sleep in their owners' beds. And people who use this method actually benefit from it, as it strengthens the human-feline bond and let's not forget all the warmth and the comfort your cat gives you.

And one last thing. Cats dream, too. But, unfortunately for now we can only guess what they dream about.

By Emilija Spirkoska

Remedies For Your Cat By Dylan Turner

This article is going to let you know about some common health problems for cats. It goes into how these may come about and the remedies for them. There are many cat lovers out there, and we need to come together on these matters, so all of our cats can be a healthy cat. I know most of us don't want to risk it and will just take our cats to the vet. But why have a vet bill that isn't needed? The common health problems I have seen are: Hairballs, Fleas, Worms, Diarrhea & Constipation so far.

I know we all love our cats, and hey why not? They are a great comfort to have around, just cuddle n purr. And of course the great hunters they are, not so nice when they want to give back and give us something they caught but still it shows they care a lot! Now us being the cat lovers we are, we can usually tell when there is something wrong with our cats. But that is not always the case, they sometimes will try and hide the fact that they are in pain. I know it sounds weird but they do this because of instinct, they are predators.

So you might be saying no my cat is not under any of these common health problems: Hairballs, not too much to fear if your cat has them once and a while, but if they have them more than that, they might need some remedies like combing them. Fleas, which are very common and sometimes un-noticed, easy way to find out it use a flea comb. Now worms, sometimes hard to discover, the most common in cats are Roundworms, Tapeworms, Hookworms and Heartworms. Now there are products out there to help remedy these, or even to help fight against them in the first place.

I know the next two problems are not a very nice thing to talk about, but being a cat lover, you will do anything for you four legged feline friend. Diarrhea not nice when you need to clean it up since you cat couldn't make it to the litter box. So again there are products you can get to help remedy this nasty problem. And constipation, totally opposite of diarrhea, but could be a sign of worms or something simple as their diet.

To learn more about these common health problems for cats and the remedies for them, check out below. Like I said all of us cat lovers should come together and watch out for these problems. Keep on checking the website, I have been told that they will be added some more problems and remedies there soon!

Lure Your Cat to Drink More Water through Pet Drinking Fountain By Joshua Valentine

Majority of pet owners can prove to the fact that cats are particular. They will only eat specific kinds of food out of a certain type of bowl. What many individuals don't know is that this rule applies to water as well. Generally, cats do not drink enough water and this can lead to different health problems, but these problems can be prevented simply by observing the likes and dislikes of a cat with regards to water preferences. To lure a cat to drink more water takes some trial and error, but as soon as the perfect combination is found, a pet owner should have no problem with their cat remaining hydrated. A cat is one that prefers moving water. It must be an instinct from the wild to desire moving water as opposed to stagnant, but lots of cat owners report their cats will only drink running water.

To check the cats' preference, just turn on a faucet part way (high water pressure will most likely scare the poor thing) and situate the cat next to the sink. There is a good chance the cat will examine it cautiously at first and then start to drink. If the cat likes this, it will be obvious when they begin jumping up to the faucet and trying to drink without the water running. If they do indeed seem to like getting their water this way, a pet drinking fountain may be bought to facilitate this.

Cat dehydration can be caused by lots of different factors from lack of available drinking water to illness. It's very important to make sure a cat doesn't become dehydrated, particularly for those cats afflicted by diabetes or renal failure, as those two illnesses in particular cause increased urination which in turn causes increased chance for dehydration. The symptoms of dehydration are constipation, exhaustion, dry mouth, sunken eyes, increased heart rate, poor skin elasticity, and poor capillary refill time. Pet drinking fountains for cats aren't just convenient for yourself as the dog owner, however they is certainly a real difference maker to keep your cat healthy. On the whole, cats love water, which is what the family pet fountain provides for their life. Some may just wallow in it and check out it for a little bit, or some may stick their paw on the water and spend playtime with it. But then they will probable realize this really is their water source, and they'll start drinking from your fountain.

If you've been among those pet owners that run around the house turning faucets on in order that they drip with your cat can drink their particular, you will need to stop doing that. Allowing your cat drink from sinks is an efficient way of getting him to give up drinking from his bowl. That is surely how to have this mess, it will truly harm your pet?s health if he doesn't drink; this means you need to stop getting this done. How things go about for anyone who is eventful with work or leave completely for a holiday? What happens if the one that is watching your pets isn't going to bypass and switch on water faucets? Your cats aren?t going to be getting enough water and also can frequently mean urinary tract, live, and kidney problems. That can be solved along with a pet drinking fountain. Eliminate walking around the house turning faucets on and off.

The Important Stages in a Kitten's Life: How Fast Will Your Kitten Grow By Niall Kennedy

Just like having a child, it can be incredibly fulfilling bringing a kitten into your family and watching it grow up. It takes only a year for your cute little kitten to mature into a cat. It can seem hard to believe but it will happen fast. Being prepared is the goal here. So what are the key milestones for a young cat?

The First Moments

Kittens are born blind and they are completely dependant on their mother. The first stages will involve learning to eat and then growing. The kitten's eyes will open and he will want to explore. At four weeks old, he is romping around shakily with his siblings. At this time he can begin to learn to use the litter box and should start to become a social animal. In the wild, the kitten's mother will start to supplement his diet with dead mice and other small pretty. But, you may want to give him some soft kitten food or some dry food that is softened a little with water.

Six Weeks

He's now six weeks old and he is more than ready to explore the home. If he's indoors, he will move from room to room. A feral kitten will follow his mother when she goes to hang out with the other cats. These cats will still receive mice from their mother, but they aren't dead anymore. Instead, the kitten has to learn to hunt the animal. Those who are eight weeks old will be completely weaned from their mother and are ready to go to a new home.

The Next Months

Through the next several months, the cats will grow really fast. You'll need to get them in to be vaccinated at this time so that they are healthy and strong. They will begin to learn what they have to do to live with their families and learn which behaviors are okay. You can teach your kitten his name as well as a few simple commands now. If the cat has long hair, make sure to get him used to allowing you to groom him, although the cat's coat doesn't need to be brushed just yet.

Sometimes, cats will suddenly develop a bad attitude. Believe it or not this is an adolescent stage for them. This happens when the cat goes from being a kitten into being a mature cat. Sounds just like children, right? This will happen around the fifth to six month and may last until the cat reaches a year old. They will still be playful but may get carried away to play too aggressively. If your cat is not neutered at six months of age, he will be mature enough to reproduce now. Neutering the cat will help this stage of his development go more smoothly. At six months, the cat looks the way he will look as an adult even though he may still become larger.


Just like humans, adult cats will continue to go through stages. But, these stages can be dealt with quite easily. And, unlike that mid life crisis you may have, the cat isn't likely to go out to purchase a sports car at this age!

If you take care of your kitten's health as he grows into an adult cat you will have a fulfilling relationship that will bring both you and the cat great satisfaction.

The Truth About Cat Endocrine Alopecia By Darrin Swain

There are many reasons why cats can experience problems with hair loss. A relatively rare reason for this to occur is because of feline endocrine alopecia. Vets don't exactly know why this rare skin condition occurs.

Whenever it does develop though, your cat's hair will start thinning. Various areas of the body will be affected by hair loss. You may notice that these areas appear to be the same on both sides of the body. Two areas that are most often affected include the rear legs and abdominal region.

Certain other medical conditions can mimic the signs caused by feline endocrine alopecia. To see if your cat is really suffering from this condition, the vet will have to rule out other possible causes of the hair loss first. Parasites and conditions like ringworm can cause similar signs.

In order to make a diagnosis of endocrine alopecia in cats, vets typically look at a sample of hairs under a microscope. Doing so can help determine at what stage of their growth the hair were broken. Skin scrapings around the affected area can also help determine what's causing hair loss in your cat. Fungal infections like ringworm can easily cause signs.

A blood sample may also be in order if your vet suspects feline endocrine alopecia to be the problem. The sample won't be tested in the office though. A laboratory will need to inspect it to see how the endocrine system is functioning as far as hormones go.

As mentioned earlier, vets don't know why cat endocrine alopecia develops. Hormones like testosterone, estrogen, or thyroid hormone are some of the leading suspects though. Cats with the condition may need to start a regimen of hormone therapy to deal with it.

Cats that are eating foods that they're allergic to may experience spontaneous hair loss. Therefore, you may need to start your cat on a food trial to see if it helps relieve the signs. You may need to start feeding your cat a different type of food.

Sometimes, feline endocrine alopecia is treated with medications that are designed to grow the hair back. This isn't always the preferred method of treatment in cats though. These medications can lead to serious side effects in some felines. They can be toxic to the liver over time and also cause cardiac problems.

Cats may even develop other conditions like diabetes mellitus after taking these medications. Some even experience changes in their behavior.

Puppy for sale: look for certain things before you buy! By Kyle Bolton

Okay, so you have decided to buy a new puppy but you don?t know how to proceed in this regard? If this is your situation, there are certain things you need to know, especially if you are buying a puppy for sale for the very first time. Having pets, especially dogs is the most common activity today not just because dogs are the most loyal forms of pets, but also because owning a dog is associated with a status symbol now. Many people just love to have dogs and it is better if you have a pet dog in the form of a puppy. A puppy that grows with you will know you well and will be more loyal towards you. So let us have a look at the things you should consider while having a puppy for sale and where you can begin your search for such a puppy.

Decide the dog breed

The first step in having a puppy for sale is to decide its breed. You need to find out the breed that you want to most. Different people have different needs and demands. While some of you might be looking for a dog just to represent your social status, others of you might be looking for a puppy that grows up to provide protection for your home. Therefore, you can first find out your requirements and then decide the breed of a puppy you need.

Begin your search

Now, for this step, you have more than one sources of searching the perfect puppy for sale. Either you can begin your search from the home on the Internet, or can also start searching for the puppy for sale from the nearest pet shops. However, in order to save time, it is preferable if you begin your search from the home on the Internet. At the Family Pet Classifieds, you can find several puppies for sale, some of which might be new and some of which can be old. To make your search extremely simple, you can select a breed and your state and click search. A minute later, you will find several puppies and you can choose from the one you desire.

Never rely on pet shops that obtain animals from "puppy millers"

Now you need to be aware that there is a term called "puppy millers." As a matter of fact, "puppy millers" are someone who are interested in just one thing and that is making money. It is for this reason that pet stores that get puppy for sale from the pet millers will never have healthy puppies. Puppy millers will most often never check the good health of the animals and they will rely more on quantity than the quality. This can be a loss for you and you should therefore take ample care regarding this issue. Check the pet store from which you want to obtain puppy for sale.

While taking care of certain things such as checking the health of the puppies for sale, whether they are fit or not, about their vaccine and everything else, you can get a good quality puppy for sale!

Buy Your Cat Supplies Online By Joe Snyder

Best Items and Cat Supplies Online

It is always a celebration whenever a new kitten or cat is brought to a fresh home. Knowing this, it is then important to be prepared with all the necessary supplies that you think the pet might require before it arrives, instead of shopping after the animal has entered your house. Here are the most basic and necessary tools that you might want to look for the next time you drop by the pet store, or when you look at some cat supplies online.

Tools for Litter
These boxes are essential for holding all your kitten's litters, from droppings to the cat's war trophies and toys from outside the house. These tools must be washed and replenished with sand regularly, and your cleaning utensils should include a disinfectant and a litter scoop.

Cat Tree/Scratching Post
It is natural for cats to scratch, and so it is not right for you to have your pet de-clawed to stop them from playing with your furniture. It is best that you buy your feline a scratching post to help it both exercise its muscles and polish its claws. You will find a variety of these essentials in nearby pet shops and retailers of cat supplies online.

Food and water bowls
Some of these are made from plastic and metal, while others are built to automatically replenish the animal's food supply according to the schedule that you've set. There are even pottery bowls, which are sturdy and can be heated inside the microwave. You can also find drinking fountains that are constructed to accommodate the weight and size of the cats.

Cat Food
You have to provide your cat with adequate amounts of fresh food and water every day at a given time. You should try to purchase those that are branded, since they are the safest among your other choices, which may include leftovers or even dog chow. You should also consider the age of your kitten when picking a good diet for your animal, as young animals tend to have more sensitive stomachs.

This is used when taking your cat outside, especially to the vet or to a long vacation away from home. Remember to consider the case's durability and construction whenever picking one for your cat. Both factors will ensure that your pet stays safe inside the carrier.

Your bundle of fluff will need a range of toys to keep it happy and healthy. You can start supplying your pet with these by visiting a nearby supply store to look for toy mice, cat nip, and the like.

Cat beds may seem to be one of the luxuries among the many tools you see when checking out cat supplies online, but these mattresses are actually very important since cats, especially kittens, love to snuggle. Cheap cat beds, such as an old blanket or a throw pillow, will do. What's important is that the bed will be cozy enough for your pet.

Worming/Flea Control Products
There are many products to get rid of fleas and ticks inside markets, but it is best to listen to your veterinarian because these products can be dangerous, especially when your cat becomes too exposed to the chemicals, or if it accidentally licks some of the substance.

Grooming Products
These products are totally optional if your cat has short fur, but it also pays to spend time with your kitten. Remember, these felines like it when they are pampered.

Helpful Advice on Caring for Senior Cats By Darrin Swain

Sooner or later, your beloved cat will start to get old and experience physical changes. This typically occurs between the ages of seven and ten. However, some are fortunate enough to stave off major changes until approximately 12 years old. Whenever the time finally comes though, you will need to make a few changes in how you care for your pet. Keep reading for useful advice on caring for senior cats.

Most owners take their cats to the vet for an annual exam. Older cats need to be seen by the vet more often than their younger counterparts since the risk of problems has increased. It's best to schedule a wellness exam every six months.

You will also need to change what you feed your senior cat somewhat. Seniors who become less active but are still fed the same amount of calories will more than likely become overweight. Obesity is particularly a problem for seniors, so a veterinarian-approved diet would definitely be in order.

When caring for senior cats, always ensure that they always have access to fresh drinking water. Dehydration more easily sets in as cats advance in age. Their organs won't respond very well to chronic dehydration either. The kidneys usually give seniors the most problem, and frequent dehydration certainly won't do these vital organs any good.

Just like with humans, arthritis becomes a problem for older cats. Once arthritis sets in, your cat won't be as physically active as he used to be. Don't be surprised if he stops climbing the stairs or hopping up onto the windowsill. Arthritic cats may even have problems getting into their litter boxes. If you notice yours has an issue with this, you can accommodate him by getting a shorter box or even putting a set of stairs beside it.

Dental care is important for cats of all ages. For older cats, it becomes increasingly important. The risk of developing dental disease only increases with age. This disease can cause enough pain to keep your cat from eating.

Your cat may also lose the energy to keep himself groomed properly. You don't want him to develop a dry or excessively dirty coat. Matting can also become a problem if you have a long-haired breed. You can help your senior cat out by brushing him yourself on a daily basis, or at least a few times each week.

The changes that occur in your senior cat aren't just physical. He may also display mental issues much like elderly humans. He may wander around occasionally or even appear disoriented. Some cats become much more vocal and meow too much for their owner's liking. When caring for senior cats, also keep in mind they may not respond well to changes. Try to keep everything in the household the same as they do best with familiar routines.

There are quite a few diseases that are common in older cats. Hypertension, kidney issues, hyperthyroidism, and diabetes mellitus are among some of the most common. Different types of cancer are also more prevalent for aged cats.

With the increase in risk of these diseases, it's important to monitor your cat closely for changes. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, you may want to let a vet give his opinion of it. Examinations conducted twice a year will hopefully catch any diseases early on, which would hopefully make it easier to deal with.

Information About Chlamydia in Cats By Darrin Swain

Both bacteria and viruses can cause conjunctivitis in cats. This condition is known as pink eye, the same thing that can affect dogs, humans, and other animals. Feline chlamydia results from a bacterial infection. Cats are usually infected with other viruses along with this disease like herpes virus and calicivirus.

Chlamydia in cats usually affects those at the younger or older end of the spectrum. Those with damaged immune systems or other illness of some sort have an increased risk too. However, the bacterial infection can cause symptoms in any cat.

There is an assortment of ways that feline chlamydia can be transmitted. The bacteria can be passed via eye discharge, nose secretions, or saliva from infected cats. Mothers are also capable of transmitting the disease to their kittens while giving birth.

You should also know that it's possible chlamydia in cats to be transmitted in indirect ways. The bacteria can live in bedding, food dishes, and other places and can infect your cat if he comes into contact with them. Owners can also harbor the bacteria on their hands and pass it along to their felines.

Seeing the white of your cat's eyes turn red is one of the primary signs of feline chlamydia. The eye may also swell, with the third eyelid closing partially. Discharge that's very watery may also appear from the eyes. All of this will irritate your cat's eye, causing him to paw at it frequently. This illness may only cause symptoms in one eye at first. Eventually though, both eyes will likely experience problems. As mentioned, chlamydia in cats usually occurs at the same time as other respiratory conditions. Cats may have a fever, discharge from the nose, coughing, and sneezing if this occurs.

Feline chlamydia doesn't usually prove difficult to treat as long as it's mild. Antibiotics can get rid of the bacteria. They may be given orally or placed directly in the affected eyes. The condition can get more problematic though if there are other problems at the same time. Your cat may have an upper respiratory illness that requires hospitalization.

Whenever giving your cat antibiotics to treat any condition, it's vital to go through the entire regimen. If you don't, then the bacteria you're trying to get rid of may mutate and grow stronger. If this happens, they may become resistant to the antibiotics.

If you have multiple cats in your household, then you'll especially need to be careful with feline chlamydia. It can easily be transmitted to other cats. Keep infected cats in seclusion. Disinfect bedding, food dishes, and other places that can harbor the bacteria. Also, make sure that you wash your hands thoroughly after you touch the infected cat so that you don't spread it to your other felines.

Siberian and Neva Masquerade cats By Scott Waldon

Domesticated cats have been in America for many centuries (which are believed to have originated from Britain and Europe), but Siberian, and Siberian "Seal Tabby Point" (Neva Masquerade), an offspring of cross breeding Siberian, Siamese and Birman cats are still rare in America. The Siberian cat has a long history which dates back to the 17th century, living on the tree tops in the dense Siberian forest. Over the centuries this breed adapted to Siberia?s harsh climates which no other breeds could do. Siberians have a triple fur coat; guard hairs, awn hairs, and down, which enabled them to withstand the harsh climates of Siberia. Siberians, and in particular, Siberian Neva Masquerade cats, are known to be one of the most intelligent cats in the world, although they have very humble beginnings. With a long history of survival in the harsh climates of Siberia, these cats have proven their endurance and worth many times over and now have reached championship status with many feline clubs around the world. In the 1930s, Siberians were discovered in the south central area of Russia, living on the streets of Novosibirsk and nearby small towns. Breeding with Siamese and Birman cats (whether naturally, or with man?s interaction) the Siberians offspring is known as a Seal Tabby Point, due to its color. Soon after, this breed was transported to Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) and announced as a "New Breed" called Neva Masquerade. This name was derived from the nearby Neva River, and the masquerade parties so prevalent among the wealthy people living near the river. My source, and the owner of Cattery is an expert with Siberians who has owned, handled, and bred this breed of feline for more than 40 years in her native Novosibirsk, Russia and is very familiar with Siberian?s and the later arrival of Siberian Neva Masquerade?s. My source also told me that she first begun seeing the Siberian Seal-tabby-point (Neva Masquerade) long before 1993 and it was first born in her home town of Novosibirsk.

The Neva?s traits are pointed coloring (different coloring on their feet, nose and tops of the ears), with much white fur and blue eyes. The origins of the color point is obviously met with some dispute, but as long as proper records have been kept (1980?s), color points are noted to have been produced, although to this day the jury is still out on its true origins.

Siberians take five years to fully mature physically, but keep their kitten-like personalities throughout their life. The first Siberian was imported to America in 1991, and the first "Neva Masquerade" was imported in 1996. Although Neva Masquerades (Seal-tabby-point) where imported later to America and became quite popular with cat fanciers, they are still rare in the United States, and many breeders have waiting lists for their kittens. The Siberian was accepted into TICA (The International Cat Association) New Breed program in 1992 and given championship status in 1996.

In the world of cat show competition, all standards that apply to the Siberian Cat, apply to the Color point (Neva Masquerade) variety, according to TICA. In January 2009, the Neva Masquerade was accepted into the Fife registry (F?d?ration Internationale F?line) as a new breed known as "Siberian Color Point". Siberian cats were accepted for registration by CFA (Cat Fanciers Association) in February 2000 and advanced to championship status in February 2006, although some countries still do not accept color point Siberians as a variety of the Siberian cat breed.

Although Siberians do shed and require regular grooming, the coat is not inclined to mat which makes grooming easier and quicker than most longhaired cats. Siberian and Siberian Neva Masquerade?s, are considered hypoallergenic due to the lower levels of a protein in their system (Fel d 1). Most cats have approximately 63,000 microns while Siberians have a mere 200 microns of this protein in their systems, which is a source of allergies with all cat breeds. Although Siberians are less likely to trigger allergic reactions, its best to spend some time around one before considering adoption.

Neva Masquerade?s, as well as all Siberians, adjust easily to their lifestyle surroundings and make a very good house pet. Siberians are very sociable cats and want to be near their owners. They will usually greet you at the door when you come home, not unlike the family dog. Often described as dog-like, the Siberian is loyal and not shy around guests, they are intelligent animals and quick to learn. Their meow is sweet, and when they come to greet you, they make a unique chirping sound. Many Siberians find water fascinating and like to be around it and watch running water, it?s said that some like to bring their toys and drop them in their water bowls. They also will not only monitor your shower or bath, but possibly join you, too. This affectionate breed makes an ideal lap cat and a wonderful companion who will bring their owner years of happiness, as their lifespan can exceed 16 years. Siberians and Neva Masquerade?s are completely trusting of humans, making it quite a responsibility when placing these kittens in new homes, according to the owner of nursery.

A social breed which loves the company of humans, and enjoys other animals, along with all the other fascinating traits the Neva Masquerade has, let it not go without saying, this breed is so intelligent it learns different languages very fast too. Since the Neva?s of, my sources cattery, are transported directly from the south center of Siberia and then raised in a multi-lingual household, they understand both Russian and English languages, according to this nursery?s owner. She also went on to say that this cat really understands different languages, and not just the tone of a person?s voice. The fact is, she said, is that no matter what tone is used with Neva Masquerades (Siberian Seal-tabby-points), they understand the language and respond better than most dogs.

The following are some fascinating facts about all domestic cats as well as Siberians, which you may not have known:

?Domestic cats can run about 30 miles (48 kilometers) per hour.

?The cat's tail is an extension of its backbone, and the flexible tail helps a cat keep its balance and land on its feet when it falls.

?A cat can move each ear independently, and improve its hearing by aiming the cup of its ears in the direction a sound is coming from.

Although domestic cats have lived for centuries in Europe and America. The Siberian Neva Masquerade is still very new and unique to most Americans. From its wonderful personality to its incredible disposition, and dog like attitude, this is one breed that is sure to warm the hearts of cat lovers, and maybe make some Dog lovers (who never thought they would care for cats), into cat fanciers as well.

Finding the best cat food for your kitty does not have to be high-priced. By Aaron Drenckpohl

Being aware of what is better for your pet's diet is always an intriguing dilemma to answer because there are countless selections to choose from. For starters I am going to inform you what cat food is produced from. And I'm talking about the one that comes processed or bagged and that you can buy just about at any food store.

The dry and wet foods are basically leftovers of meats from local butchers and supermarkets once they have obtained the "high grade" sections from the animals. Such as, beef, poultry, turkey and pork. These remains of meat, unwanted fat plus bones will be taken to companies that make cat food like Purina, Procter and Gamble, Whiskas and many others. They will buy this kind of cheap"meat" and process it through degrading it by temperature, pressurizing it and also by incorporating several substances to it. After they develop this type of paste they'll add the chemicals as well as vitamins and minerals that the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) requires them to contain in the final product to meet up with specific quality standard.

Then depending on what type of presentation the end product is going to be they either extract or include water to it. When it's destined to be bagged then they will get it dry and in case it's going canned or maybe in pouches they may need to add some moisture content to it.

The prevalent denominator of these food products is definitely the content of proteins, fibers, fats and taurine. The next thing will be incorporating the corresponding vitamins and minerals depending about what the specific health condition is going to be. As an example, if your cat has hairball issue then the food will contain a bit more of crude fiber in it. Another example would be food targeted for healthy bones and teeth, which just like in human beings, calcium is an essential part for keeping them strong as well as healthy.

Just like the couple of targeted health problems I mentioned you could find many more such as bad breath, healthy joints, food allergies, weight loss, etc. A few brands will incorporate Omega-6 and Omega-3 essential fatty acids which will help protect against disorders like high-cholesterol, renal system condition and also allergies. Although these kinds of acids are not required by the AAFCO I find them to be very helpful for your pet's healthy live style.

To conclude, the best cat food could be just about any brand name at the nearest market. It does not necessarily must be the highly-priced famous brands in order to be looked at good. Basically look at the proteins and fibers contents particularly and your cat should be fine. This is applicable with regard to already healthful adult cats. Should you have indoor cats simply get them the indoor cats formula because it is made up of grains and greens which will help them with their digestive system minimizing hairballs. In case your cat has some sort of distinct health problem simply grab the food intended for this. In general all brands contain the same recipe they simply have various brands and displays.Thus for my part there's not a best cat food brand particularly, it's much more about the content.

How to Care For Your Ragdoll Cat By Ava Gilmore

Ragdolls are exceptional animals who demand unique care and consideration. Their characteristic fur, character, and medical needs mean different methods of care. Let?s investigate all of these three things specific to Ragdolls and how to care appropriately for your cat.

Ragdolls have long, soft, rabbit-like fur. As their fur does not mat, the Ragdoll doesn?t need a lot of grooming. However, it?s a good to groom your Ragdoll at least every few days. This alleviates hairballs and aids in bonding.

Many folks think that Ragdolls don?t shed. This is not always true. It actually depends on the specific cat. For example, I have two Ragdolls. One sheds gigantic masses of fur, and the second sheds not one hair. Because it?s hard to know if your cat will shed, it?s a good practice have a vacuum and lint roller ready just in case.

The Ragdoll character can be defined as: respectful, outgoing, perceptive, needy, and passive. Due to these distinctive characteristics, special care should be reserved for Ragdolls.

Due to the their sociable and friendly character, we shouldn?t let these cats outside unless they are supervised. The Ragdoll breed does not grasp self-defense. They probably won?t recognize danger or comprehend the occasion to battle or flea from a risky situation.

The perceptive and needy aspects of the Ragdoll character may present challenges if leaving the cat home a long for a large part of the day. Usually, a couple hours home by alone is the longest time you should leave them alone.

If responsibilities such as work or school have you away from the home for greater than a couple hours, it preferable to adopt another pet to stay home and keep your cat company. Usually, Ragdolls are welcoming of other pets, including dogs.

Generally speaking, there are no health problems associated with the Ragdoll breed. Nevertheless, be aware of the disease called HCM or Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. This is a genetic disease found in some Ragdoll lines. Disappointingly, a cure has not been found for HCM and there are no treatment options available. The survival rate is very low. HCM typically claims the life of the Ragdoll when they are still a kitten ? sometimes younger than one year old.

Ragdoll groups have donated tons of money to research and find the HCM gene. In the end it payed off: the Ragdoll HCM gene was isolated.

Now that genetic testing for HCM is available, a good breeder will test the parents for HCM before breeding a cat. If you are breed a Ragdoll, it?s tremendously important to test the cats for the HCM gene. If you want to purchase a Ragdoll, be certain to ask for the medical paperwork indicating that both parents tested negative for the HCM gene.

Homemade Cat Food By Mike Kim

Benefits Of Homemade Cat Food

Making your own cat food at home is a great alternative to commercially available food. First of all, you know what ingredients will be used and it will be a more natural meal compared to pet food, which is usually loaded with preservatives and other nasty fillers. Here is what you need to know about making your own food for your cat.

As carnivores, cats need:

Protein from meat or fish
Fatty acids

As meat eating animals, cats don't really need carbohydrates such as rice and grains. But a small amount of them in the diet is fine. Carbohydrates can be used as energy and are also cheaper on than meats. .

Taurine is a very important amino acid so make sure your cat gets it in the form of a vitamin.

Usually meats and vegetables are a staple of homemade cat food. Grains are optional. Organ meats can be used as a once in a while treat.

You can use raw lamb, beef, turkey, or chicken. Never use raw pork or fish as these can have parasites. Use meats that have some fat content to them.

To make the meat mixture, mix 1 pounds of the meat, 1 cup of water, and 3 tablespoons of powdered egg shells. After it has been mixed, store it in the freezer.

Now, you need to be careful with vegetables. Never feed your can onions, tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, and peppers. These vegetables can cause health problems for your pet. Cut the vegetables up into small pieces and store them in the refrigerator.

For the grain mixture, you can use oats, rice, flour, etc. Cook the grains so that they are soft and easy to chew on.

When preparing the meal, the mixture should mostly be made of meat. The rest should be made of the vegetables and grains. Aim for a ratio of 3:1. You will want to thaw the mixture with hot water. Wait till the mixture is warm as cats prefer warm food.

You can also add nutritional supplements to the mixture. An adult cat will only need a few spoonfuls of this mixture per day.

A homemade meal will add years to your cat's life.

Pet Health - Information Regarding Cat Enteritis By Darrin Swain

Enteritis in cats is a very serious disease. It's often referred to as distemper, which is a disease that dogs commonly get. However, feline enteritis isn't the same. A common other name for the condition is panleukopenia.

This disease normally strikes kittens younger than six months old. However, older cats also have a relatively increased risk of developing it. Older cats may be strong enough to fight off the affliction, but kittens can easily succumb to it.

Feline enteritis is caused by a virus. Wild animals such as cats and raccoons can harbor the highly contagious virus. Infected animals can pass it to your cat by coming into direct contact with him. If your cat comes into contact with nasal or oral secretions, he can get infected too.

Owners should also know that the virus that causes enteritis in cats can also contaminate items such as bedding, litter boxes, and food dishes. Owners can also pass the virus along to their cats because it's capable of contaminating human hands.

After being infected with feline enteritis, your cat may not show any symptoms for up to ten days. Common signs include high fever and loss of appetite. Cats may also vomit frequently, producing yellow-tinted bile in the process. If you touch your cat in the abdominal region, he may cry out in pain. It is also common for cats to have diarrhea and produce stool that also has a yellow color, although it may appear to have blood in it instead.

As mentioned, enteritis in cats is quite serious. That's why it is important that you get your cat checked out and diagnosed with the condition as soon as possible. The chances of your cat surviving a bout with this virus rise considerably the earlier that treatment is started.

There is no way to battle the virus that causes cat enteritis directly. The vet will simply need to provide supportive measures to help your cat make it through the disease. Antibiotics will likely be given to stave off any bacterial infections. IV fluids and nutrition therapy may also be necessary.

It is very easy to prevent enteritis in cats. Simply have your feline vaccinated. The virus can live virtually anywhere in your home, so your kitten would be at risk if left unvaccinated. Using a standard disinfectant won't be enough to kill the virus either.

If your cat survives an episode of feline enteritis, then you should be aware that he will continue to shed the virus for a few weeks. Other cats in the household can easily be infected. The good news is that cats that survive an infection from the virus will be relatively safe from reinfection since their immune system will be boosted.

Siberian and Neva Masquerade cats By Scott Waldon

Domesticated cats have been in America for many centuries (which are believed to have originated from Britain and Europe), but Siberian, and Siberian "Seal Tabby Point" (Neva Masquerade), an offspring of cross breeding Siberian, Siamese and Birman cats are still rare in America. The Siberian cat has a long history which dates back to the 17th century, living on the tree tops in the dense Siberian forest. Over the centuries this breed adapted to Siberia?s harsh climates which no other breeds could do. Siberians have a triple fur coat; guard hairs, awn hairs, and down, which enabled them to withstand the harsh climates of Siberia. Siberians, and in particular, Siberian Neva Masquerade cats, are known to be one of the most intelligent cats in the world, although they have very humble beginnings. With a long history of survival in the harsh climates of Siberia, these cats have proven their endurance and worth many times over and now have reached championship status with many feline clubs around the world. In the 1930s, Siberians were discovered in the south central area of Russia, living on the streets of Novosibirsk and nearby small towns. Breeding with Siamese and Birman cats (whether naturally, or with man?s interaction) the Siberians offspring is known as a Seal Tabby Point, due to its color. Soon after, this breed was transported to Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) and announced as a "New Breed" called Neva Masquerade. This name was derived from the nearby Neva River, and the masquerade parties so prevalent among the wealthy people living near the river. My source, and the owner of Cattery is an expert with Siberians who has owned, handled, and bred this breed of feline for more than 40 years in her native Novosibirsk, Russia and is very familiar with Siberian?s and the later arrival of Siberian Neva Masquerade?s. My source also told me that she first begun seeing the Siberian Seal-tabby-point (Neva Masquerade) long before 1993 and it was first born in her home town of Novosibirsk.

The Neva?s traits are pointed coloring (different coloring on their feet, nose and tops of the ears), with much white fur and blue eyes. The origins of the color point is obviously met with some dispute, but as long as proper records have been kept (1980?s), color points are noted to have been produced, although to this day the jury is still out on its true origins.

Siberians take five years to fully mature physically, but keep their kitten-like personalities throughout their life. The first Siberian was imported to America in 1991, and the first "Neva Masquerade" was imported in 1996. Although Neva Masquerades (Seal-tabby-point) where imported later to America and became quite popular with cat fanciers, they are still rare in the United States, and many breeders have waiting lists for their kittens. The Siberian was accepted into TICA (The International Cat Association) New Breed program in 1992 and given championship status in 1996.

In the world of cat show competition, all standards that apply to the Siberian Cat, apply to the Color point (Neva Masquerade) variety, according to TICA. In January 2009, the Neva Masquerade was accepted into the Fife registry (F?d?ration Internationale F?line) as a new breed known as "Siberian Color Point". Siberian cats were accepted for registration by CFA (Cat Fanciers Association) in February 2000 and advanced to championship status in February 2006, although some countries still do not accept color point Siberians as a variety of the Siberian cat breed.

Although Siberians do shed and require regular grooming, the coat is not inclined to mat which makes grooming easier and quicker than most longhaired cats. Siberian and Siberian Neva Masquerade?s, are considered hypoallergenic due to the lower levels of a protein in their system (Fel d 1). Most cats have approximately 63,000 microns while Siberians have a mere 200 microns of this protein in their systems, which is a source of allergies with all cat breeds. Although Siberians are less likely to trigger allergic reactions, its best to spend some time around one before considering adoption.

Neva Masquerade?s, as well as all Siberians, adjust easily to their lifestyle surroundings and make a very good house pet. Siberians are very sociable cats and want to be near their owners. They will usually greet you at the door when you come home, not unlike the family dog. Often described as dog-like, the Siberian is loyal and not shy around guests, they are intelligent animals and quick to learn. Their meow is sweet, and when they come to greet you, they make a unique chirping sound. Many Siberians find water fascinating and like to be around it and watch running water, it?s said that some like to bring their toys and drop them in their water bowls. They also will not only monitor your shower or bath, but possibly join you, too. This affectionate breed makes an ideal lap cat and a wonderful companion who will bring their owner years of happiness, as their lifespan can exceed 16 years. Siberians and Neva Masquerade?s are completely trusting of humans, making it quite a responsibility when placing these kittens in new homes, according to the owner of nursery.

A social breed which loves the company of humans, and enjoys other animals, along with all the other fascinating traits the Neva Masquerade has, let it not go without saying, this breed is so intelligent it learns different languages very fast too. Since the Neva?s of, my sources cattery, are transported directly from the south center of Siberia and then raised in a multi-lingual household, they understand both Russian and English languages, according to this nursery?s owner. She also went on to say that this cat really understands different languages, and not just the tone of a person?s voice. The fact is, she said, is that no matter what tone is used with Neva Masquerades (Siberian Seal-tabby-points), they understand the language and respond better than most dogs.

The following are some fascinating facts about all domestic cats as well as Siberians, which you may not have known:

?Domestic cats can run about 30 miles (48 kilometers) per hour.

?The cat's tail is an extension of its backbone, and the flexible tail helps a cat keep its balance and land on its feet when it falls.

?A cat can move each ear independently, and improve its hearing by aiming the cup of its ears in the direction a sound is coming from.

Although domestic cats have lived for centuries in Europe and America. The Siberian Neva Masquerade is still very new and unique to most Americans. From its wonderful personality to its incredible disposition, and dog like attitude, this is one breed that is sure to warm the hearts of cat lovers, and maybe make some Dog lovers (who never thought they would care for cats), into cat fanciers as well.

Buy Your Cat Supplies Online By Joe Snyder

Best Items and Cat Supplies Online

It is always a celebration whenever a new kitten or cat is brought to a fresh home. Knowing this, it is then important to be prepared with all the necessary supplies that you think the pet might require before it arrives, instead of shopping after the animal has entered your house. Here are the most basic and necessary tools that you might want to look for the next time you drop by the pet store, or when you look at some cat supplies online.

Tools for Litter
These boxes are essential for holding all your kitten's litters, from droppings to the cat's war trophies and toys from outside the house. These tools must be washed and replenished with sand regularly, and your cleaning utensils should include a disinfectant and a litter scoop.

Cat Tree/Scratching Post
It is natural for cats to scratch, and so it is not right for you to have your pet de-clawed to stop them from playing with your furniture. It is best that you buy your feline a scratching post to help it both exercise its muscles and polish its claws. You will find a variety of these essentials in nearby pet shops and retailers of cat supplies online.

Food and water bowls
Some of these are made from plastic and metal, while others are built to automatically replenish the animal's food supply according to the schedule that you've set. There are even pottery bowls, which are sturdy and can be heated inside the microwave. You can also find drinking fountains that are constructed to accommodate the weight and size of the cats.

Cat Food
You have to provide your cat with adequate amounts of fresh food and water every day at a given time. You should try to purchase those that are branded, since they are the safest among your other choices, which may include leftovers or even dog chow. You should also consider the age of your kitten when picking a good diet for your animal, as young animals tend to have more sensitive stomachs.

This is used when taking your cat outside, especially to the vet or to a long vacation away from home. Remember to consider the case's durability and construction whenever picking one for your cat. Both factors will ensure that your pet stays safe inside the carrier.

Your bundle of fluff will need a range of toys to keep it happy and healthy. You can start supplying your pet with these by visiting a nearby supply store to look for toy mice, cat nip, and the like.

Cat beds may seem to be one of the luxuries among the many tools you see when checking out cat supplies online, but these mattresses are actually very important since cats, especially kittens, love to snuggle. Cheap cat beds, such as an old blanket or a throw pillow, will do. What's important is that the bed will be cozy enough for your pet.

Worming/Flea Control Products
There are many products to get rid of fleas and ticks inside markets, but it is best to listen to your veterinarian because these products can be dangerous, especially when your cat becomes too exposed to the chemicals, or if it accidentally licks some of the substance.

Grooming Products
These products are totally optional if your cat has short fur, but it also pays to spend time with your kitten. Remember, these felines like it when they are pampered.

Pet Health - Information Regarding Cat Enteritis By Darrin Swain

Enteritis in cats is a very serious disease. It's often referred to as distemper, which is a disease that dogs commonly get. However, feline enteritis isn't the same. A common other name for the condition is panleukopenia.

This disease normally strikes kittens younger than six months old. However, older cats also have a relatively increased risk of developing it. Older cats may be strong enough to fight off the affliction, but kittens can easily succumb to it.

Feline enteritis is caused by a virus. Wild animals such as cats and raccoons can harbor the highly contagious virus. Infected animals can pass it to your cat by coming into direct contact with him. If your cat comes into contact with nasal or oral secretions, he can get infected too.

Owners should also know that the virus that causes enteritis in cats can also contaminate items such as bedding, litter boxes, and food dishes. Owners can also pass the virus along to their cats because it's capable of contaminating human hands.

After being infected with feline enteritis, your cat may not show any symptoms for up to ten days. Common signs include high fever and loss of appetite. Cats may also vomit frequently, producing yellow-tinted bile in the process. If you touch your cat in the abdominal region, he may cry out in pain. It is also common for cats to have diarrhea and produce stool that also has a yellow color, although it may appear to have blood in it instead.

As mentioned, enteritis in cats is quite serious. That's why it is important that you get your cat checked out and diagnosed with the condition as soon as possible. The chances of your cat surviving a bout with this virus rise considerably the earlier that treatment is started.

There is no way to battle the virus that causes cat enteritis directly. The vet will simply need to provide supportive measures to help your cat make it through the disease. Antibiotics will likely be given to stave off any bacterial infections. IV fluids and nutrition therapy may also be necessary.

It is very easy to prevent enteritis in cats. Simply have your feline vaccinated. The virus can live virtually anywhere in your home, so your kitten would be at risk if left unvaccinated. Using a standard disinfectant won't be enough to kill the virus either.

If your cat survives an episode of feline enteritis, then you should be aware that he will continue to shed the virus for a few weeks. Other cats in the household can easily be infected. The good news is that cats that survive an infection from the virus will be relatively safe from reinfection since their immune system will be boosted.

Why Do Cats Like To Sleep So Much By Emilija Spirkoska

One thing is for sure: cats know how to sleep. And they sleep a lot. However, so far nobody knows why they sleep so much, but you gotta admit that they are the most adorable creatures when asleep.

As they choose the weirdest place to sleep. Either on top of a dog or in a pot. You name a place and they are there :)

Well, it's a known fact that cats evolved from a long line of hunters and predators and that probably has an effect on their sleeping pattern. Their diet may also play an important role. Since they are on protein rich diet that doesn't take them a lot of time of the day, they have plenty of time to sleep.
And sometimes all they do is sleep, since they don't have things to do. Of course this applies for indoor cats. But there is always something you can find for your cat to do and stay awake and entertained.

While newborn cats, well they sleep most of the time, but believe it or not this actually keeps them safe. As they don't attract attention and by that I mean, they don't attract predators.
As for the cats in the wild, well they are constantly on alert in order to survive.

While indoor cats are sleeping, they are still active and ready to go into action. And you can see that as all cats while sleeping have their ears rotating and as soon as they hear a noise or sense that someone is coming they open their eyes to check out the situation and if safe they go back to sleep again.

And as I've already said at the beginning cats sleep basically anywhere. At the table, on a top of a piano, on the edge, anywhere.
As long as it safe and comfortable enough for it to stretch that body. :) For example when it's cold it tries to find a shaded place where it can stretch out. While during the cool winter days a cat will try to find a place warm enough, like warm sunshine or next to a heat source.

Another interesting fact is that cats like to sleep in their owners' beds. And people who use this method actually benefit from it, as it strengthens the human-feline bond and let's not forget all the warmth and the comfort your cat gives you.

And one last thing. Cats dream, too. But, unfortunately for now we can only guess what they dream about.

By Emilija Spirkoska

Finding the best cat food for your kitty does not have to be high-priced. By Aaron Drenckpohl

Being aware of what is better for your pet's diet is always an intriguing dilemma to answer because there are countless selections to choose from. For starters I am going to inform you what cat food is produced from. And I'm talking about the one that comes processed or bagged and that you can buy just about at any food store.

The dry and wet foods are basically leftovers of meats from local butchers and supermarkets once they have obtained the "high grade" sections from the animals. Such as, beef, poultry, turkey and pork. These remains of meat, unwanted fat plus bones will be taken to companies that make cat food like Purina, Procter and Gamble, Whiskas and many others. They will buy this kind of cheap"meat" and process it through degrading it by temperature, pressurizing it and also by incorporating several substances to it. After they develop this type of paste they'll add the chemicals as well as vitamins and minerals that the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) requires them to contain in the final product to meet up with specific quality standard.

Then depending on what type of presentation the end product is going to be they either extract or include water to it. When it's destined to be bagged then they will get it dry and in case it's going canned or maybe in pouches they may need to add some moisture content to it.

The prevalent denominator of these food products is definitely the content of proteins, fibers, fats and taurine. The next thing will be incorporating the corresponding vitamins and minerals depending about what the specific health condition is going to be. As an example, if your cat has hairball issue then the food will contain a bit more of crude fiber in it. Another example would be food targeted for healthy bones and teeth, which just like in human beings, calcium is an essential part for keeping them strong as well as healthy.

Just like the couple of targeted health problems I mentioned you could find many more such as bad breath, healthy joints, food allergies, weight loss, etc. A few brands will incorporate Omega-6 and Omega-3 essential fatty acids which will help protect against disorders like high-cholesterol, renal system condition and also allergies. Although these kinds of acids are not required by the AAFCO I find them to be very helpful for your pet's healthy live style.

To conclude, the best cat food could be just about any brand name at the nearest market. It does not necessarily must be the highly-priced famous brands in order to be looked at good. Basically look at the proteins and fibers contents particularly and your cat should be fine. This is applicable with regard to already healthful adult cats. Should you have indoor cats simply get them the indoor cats formula because it is made up of grains and greens which will help them with their digestive system minimizing hairballs. In case your cat has some sort of distinct health problem simply grab the food intended for this. In general all brands contain the same recipe they simply have various brands and displays.Thus for my part there's not a best cat food brand particularly, it's much more about the content.

Helpful Advice on Caring for Senior Cats By Darrin Swain

Sooner or later, your beloved cat will start to get old and experience physical changes. This typically occurs between the ages of seven and ten. However, some are fortunate enough to stave off major changes until approximately 12 years old. Whenever the time finally comes though, you will need to make a few changes in how you care for your pet. Keep reading for useful advice on caring for senior cats.

Most owners take their cats to the vet for an annual exam. Older cats need to be seen by the vet more often than their younger counterparts since the risk of problems has increased. It's best to schedule a wellness exam every six months.

You will also need to change what you feed your senior cat somewhat. Seniors who become less active but are still fed the same amount of calories will more than likely become overweight. Obesity is particularly a problem for seniors, so a veterinarian-approved diet would definitely be in order.

When caring for senior cats, always ensure that they always have access to fresh drinking water. Dehydration more easily sets in as cats advance in age. Their organs won't respond very well to chronic dehydration either. The kidneys usually give seniors the most problem, and frequent dehydration certainly won't do these vital organs any good.

Just like with humans, arthritis becomes a problem for older cats. Once arthritis sets in, your cat won't be as physically active as he used to be. Don't be surprised if he stops climbing the stairs or hopping up onto the windowsill. Arthritic cats may even have problems getting into their litter boxes. If you notice yours has an issue with this, you can accommodate him by getting a shorter box or even putting a set of stairs beside it.

Dental care is important for cats of all ages. For older cats, it becomes increasingly important. The risk of developing dental disease only increases with age. This disease can cause enough pain to keep your cat from eating.

Your cat may also lose the energy to keep himself groomed properly. You don't want him to develop a dry or excessively dirty coat. Matting can also become a problem if you have a long-haired breed. You can help your senior cat out by brushing him yourself on a daily basis, or at least a few times each week.

The changes that occur in your senior cat aren't just physical. He may also display mental issues much like elderly humans. He may wander around occasionally or even appear disoriented. Some cats become much more vocal and meow too much for their owner's liking. When caring for senior cats, also keep in mind they may not respond well to changes. Try to keep everything in the household the same as they do best with familiar routines.

There are quite a few diseases that are common in older cats. Hypertension, kidney issues, hyperthyroidism, and diabetes mellitus are among some of the most common. Different types of cancer are also more prevalent for aged cats.

With the increase in risk of these diseases, it's important to monitor your cat closely for changes. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, you may want to let a vet give his opinion of it. Examinations conducted twice a year will hopefully catch any diseases early on, which would hopefully make it easier to deal with.

Lure Your Cat to Drink More Water through Pet Drinking Fountain By Joshua Valentine

Majority of pet owners can prove to the fact that cats are particular. They will only eat specific kinds of food out of a certain type of bowl. What many individuals don't know is that this rule applies to water as well. Generally, cats do not drink enough water and this can lead to different health problems, but these problems can be prevented simply by observing the likes and dislikes of a cat with regards to water preferences. To lure a cat to drink more water takes some trial and error, but as soon as the perfect combination is found, a pet owner should have no problem with their cat remaining hydrated. A cat is one that prefers moving water. It must be an instinct from the wild to desire moving water as opposed to stagnant, but lots of cat owners report their cats will only drink running water.

To check the cats' preference, just turn on a faucet part way (high water pressure will most likely scare the poor thing) and situate the cat next to the sink. There is a good chance the cat will examine it cautiously at first and then start to drink. If the cat likes this, it will be obvious when they begin jumping up to the faucet and trying to drink without the water running. If they do indeed seem to like getting their water this way, a pet drinking fountain may be bought to facilitate this.

Cat dehydration can be caused by lots of different factors from lack of available drinking water to illness. It's very important to make sure a cat doesn't become dehydrated, particularly for those cats afflicted by diabetes or renal failure, as those two illnesses in particular cause increased urination which in turn causes increased chance for dehydration. The symptoms of dehydration are constipation, exhaustion, dry mouth, sunken eyes, increased heart rate, poor skin elasticity, and poor capillary refill time. Pet drinking fountains for cats aren't just convenient for yourself as the dog owner, however they is certainly a real difference maker to keep your cat healthy. On the whole, cats love water, which is what the family pet fountain provides for their life. Some may just wallow in it and check out it for a little bit, or some may stick their paw on the water and spend playtime with it. But then they will probable realize this really is their water source, and they'll start drinking from your fountain.

If you've been among those pet owners that run around the house turning faucets on in order that they drip with your cat can drink their particular, you will need to stop doing that. Allowing your cat drink from sinks is an efficient way of getting him to give up drinking from his bowl. That is surely how to have this mess, it will truly harm your pet?s health if he doesn't drink; this means you need to stop getting this done. How things go about for anyone who is eventful with work or leave completely for a holiday? What happens if the one that is watching your pets isn't going to bypass and switch on water faucets? Your cats aren?t going to be getting enough water and also can frequently mean urinary tract, live, and kidney problems. That can be solved along with a pet drinking fountain. Eliminate walking around the house turning faucets on and off.

Five Tips for Selecting the Best Cat Tree By Petar Petrov

One of the best ways to satisfy your cat?s curiosity and keep in shape is to provide her with a cat tree. Since there are many such trees offered in the market, you should spend enough time understanding a few things before purchasing one for your beloved pet. Many pets need enough amount of stimulation to prevent them from getting bored, and cat trees are definitely one among best cat furniture that will keep your cat active through the day. But before making decision which tree is best for your feline friend you should consider some things.

Safety Matters a Lot!

It should be the very first thing that you need to consider, when shopping for a cat tree. Not only should you provide safety for your cat, but also for you or anyone who comes close to that tree. Cat owner should know what their cats can do, and if there are risky areas in your home, the pets are going to explore it for sure.

The manufacturer is responsible for making a well-constructed cat trees, but the owners are equally responsible for making good judgment in terms of selection. Ensure that the design of the tree does not compromise on safety. Some of them could be made of cheap materials and could collapse under the weight of your pet. You may also want to buy a tree, which will not trip over when your cat takes a flying leap, lands on side or top of the cat tree. The lighter and smaller trees are not the best option if you have big or heavy cats at home. Check the stability of tree before making the purchase. Some of the manufacturers use toxic chemicals, glues, and dyes in the making process, and it is strictly not recommended to go for such ones.


Ensure that the kitty cat tree you intend to buy is accessible to your cat or kitty. Cats should be able to climb tree in all situations. You pets many be overweight, old, have health problems, or declawed. If you?ve bigger cats, take trees that can accommodate properly. The cats should be able to get down or up the tree very easily.


Some cat trees at local stores are made with cheap materials, so stability should always be checked. Many use cardboard as the main support, which is not that safe, especially when the cat is climbing the tree.

Don?t Overlook the Visual Appeal

The cat tree not only should appeal to your pet, but it should also be great addition to your home d?cor. If you?ve spent $2000 on a new sofa or furniture, you wouldn?t of course want to see ugly tree placed in the middle of living room. So, make it a point to choose something that complements your furniture, design, and style of the room.


It is not about buying some cheap or expensive kitty tree, but purchasing something that offers great value for money. Have some budget in your mind and buy a tree that will satisfy both you and your cat.

Keeping all these things in mind, now you can choose a secure, well-balanced, and stable cat tree, and keep your pets happy.

The Truth About Cat Endocrine Alopecia By Darrin Swain

There are many reasons why cats can experience problems with hair loss. A relatively rare reason for this to occur is because of feline endocrine alopecia. Vets don't exactly know why this rare skin condition occurs.

Whenever it does develop though, your cat's hair will start thinning. Various areas of the body will be affected by hair loss. You may notice that these areas appear to be the same on both sides of the body. Two areas that are most often affected include the rear legs and abdominal region.

Certain other medical conditions can mimic the signs caused by feline endocrine alopecia. To see if your cat is really suffering from this condition, the vet will have to rule out other possible causes of the hair loss first. Parasites and conditions like ringworm can cause similar signs.

In order to make a diagnosis of endocrine alopecia in cats, vets typically look at a sample of hairs under a microscope. Doing so can help determine at what stage of their growth the hair were broken. Skin scrapings around the affected area can also help determine what's causing hair loss in your cat. Fungal infections like ringworm can easily cause signs.

A blood sample may also be in order if your vet suspects feline endocrine alopecia to be the problem. The sample won't be tested in the office though. A laboratory will need to inspect it to see how the endocrine system is functioning as far as hormones go.

As mentioned earlier, vets don't know why cat endocrine alopecia develops. Hormones like testosterone, estrogen, or thyroid hormone are some of the leading suspects though. Cats with the condition may need to start a regimen of hormone therapy to deal with it.

Cats that are eating foods that they're allergic to may experience spontaneous hair loss. Therefore, you may need to start your cat on a food trial to see if it helps relieve the signs. You may need to start feeding your cat a different type of food.

Sometimes, feline endocrine alopecia is treated with medications that are designed to grow the hair back. This isn't always the preferred method of treatment in cats though. These medications can lead to serious side effects in some felines. They can be toxic to the liver over time and also cause cardiac problems.

Cats may even develop other conditions like diabetes mellitus after taking these medications. Some even experience changes in their behavior.

Puppy for sale: look for certain things before you buy! By Kyle Bolton

Okay, so you have decided to buy a new puppy but you don?t know how to proceed in this regard? If this is your situation, there are certain things you need to know, especially if you are buying a puppy for sale for the very first time. Having pets, especially dogs is the most common activity today not just because dogs are the most loyal forms of pets, but also because owning a dog is associated with a status symbol now. Many people just love to have dogs and it is better if you have a pet dog in the form of a puppy. A puppy that grows with you will know you well and will be more loyal towards you. So let us have a look at the things you should consider while having a puppy for sale and where you can begin your search for such a puppy.

Decide the dog breed

The first step in having a puppy for sale is to decide its breed. You need to find out the breed that you want to most. Different people have different needs and demands. While some of you might be looking for a dog just to represent your social status, others of you might be looking for a puppy that grows up to provide protection for your home. Therefore, you can first find out your requirements and then decide the breed of a puppy you need.

Begin your search

Now, for this step, you have more than one sources of searching the perfect puppy for sale. Either you can begin your search from the home on the Internet, or can also start searching for the puppy for sale from the nearest pet shops. However, in order to save time, it is preferable if you begin your search from the home on the Internet. At the Family Pet Classifieds, you can find several puppies for sale, some of which might be new and some of which can be old. To make your search extremely simple, you can select a breed and your state and click search. A minute later, you will find several puppies and you can choose from the one you desire.

Never rely on pet shops that obtain animals from "puppy millers"

Now you need to be aware that there is a term called "puppy millers." As a matter of fact, "puppy millers" are someone who are interested in just one thing and that is making money. It is for this reason that pet stores that get puppy for sale from the pet millers will never have healthy puppies. Puppy millers will most often never check the good health of the animals and they will rely more on quantity than the quality. This can be a loss for you and you should therefore take ample care regarding this issue. Check the pet store from which you want to obtain puppy for sale.

While taking care of certain things such as checking the health of the puppies for sale, whether they are fit or not, about their vaccine and everything else, you can get a good quality puppy for sale!

Information About Chlamydia in Cats By Darrin Swain

Both bacteria and viruses can cause conjunctivitis in cats. This condition is known as pink eye, the same thing that can affect dogs, humans, and other animals. Feline chlamydia results from a bacterial infection. Cats are usually infected with other viruses along with this disease like herpes virus and calicivirus.

Chlamydia in cats usually affects those at the younger or older end of the spectrum. Those with damaged immune systems or other illness of some sort have an increased risk too. However, the bacterial infection can cause symptoms in any cat.

There is an assortment of ways that feline chlamydia can be transmitted. The bacteria can be passed via eye discharge, nose secretions, or saliva from infected cats. Mothers are also capable of transmitting the disease to their kittens while giving birth.

You should also know that it's possible chlamydia in cats to be transmitted in indirect ways. The bacteria can live in bedding, food dishes, and other places and can infect your cat if he comes into contact with them. Owners can also harbor the bacteria on their hands and pass it along to their felines.

Seeing the white of your cat's eyes turn red is one of the primary signs of feline chlamydia. The eye may also swell, with the third eyelid closing partially. Discharge that's very watery may also appear from the eyes. All of this will irritate your cat's eye, causing him to paw at it frequently. This illness may only cause symptoms in one eye at first. Eventually though, both eyes will likely experience problems. As mentioned, chlamydia in cats usually occurs at the same time as other respiratory conditions. Cats may have a fever, discharge from the nose, coughing, and sneezing if this occurs.

Feline chlamydia doesn't usually prove difficult to treat as long as it's mild. Antibiotics can get rid of the bacteria. They may be given orally or placed directly in the affected eyes. The condition can get more problematic though if there are other problems at the same time. Your cat may have an upper respiratory illness that requires hospitalization.

Whenever giving your cat antibiotics to treat any condition, it's vital to go through the entire regimen. If you don't, then the bacteria you're trying to get rid of may mutate and grow stronger. If this happens, they may become resistant to the antibiotics.

If you have multiple cats in your household, then you'll especially need to be careful with feline chlamydia. It can easily be transmitted to other cats. Keep infected cats in seclusion. Disinfect bedding, food dishes, and other places that can harbor the bacteria. Also, make sure that you wash your hands thoroughly after you touch the infected cat so that you don't spread it to your other felines.

Homemade Cat Food By Mike Kim

Benefits Of Homemade Cat Food

Making your own cat food at home is a great alternative to commercially available food. First of all, you know what ingredients will be used and it will be a more natural meal compared to pet food, which is usually loaded with preservatives and other nasty fillers. Here is what you need to know about making your own food for your cat.

As carnivores, cats need:

Protein from meat or fish
Fatty acids

As meat eating animals, cats don't really need carbohydrates such as rice and grains. But a small amount of them in the diet is fine. Carbohydrates can be used as energy and are also cheaper on than meats. .

Taurine is a very important amino acid so make sure your cat gets it in the form of a vitamin.

Usually meats and vegetables are a staple of homemade cat food. Grains are optional. Organ meats can be used as a once in a while treat.

You can use raw lamb, beef, turkey, or chicken. Never use raw pork or fish as these can have parasites. Use meats that have some fat content to them.

To make the meat mixture, mix 1 pounds of the meat, 1 cup of water, and 3 tablespoons of powdered egg shells. After it has been mixed, store it in the freezer.

Now, you need to be careful with vegetables. Never feed your can onions, tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, and peppers. These vegetables can cause health problems for your pet. Cut the vegetables up into small pieces and store them in the refrigerator.

For the grain mixture, you can use oats, rice, flour, etc. Cook the grains so that they are soft and easy to chew on.

When preparing the meal, the mixture should mostly be made of meat. The rest should be made of the vegetables and grains. Aim for a ratio of 3:1. You will want to thaw the mixture with hot water. Wait till the mixture is warm as cats prefer warm food.

You can also add nutritional supplements to the mixture. An adult cat will only need a few spoonfuls of this mixture per day.

A homemade meal will add years to your cat's life.